Certification Terms & Conditions

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Complaints Policy

All complaints and stakeholder concerns received by BM TRADA VENTURES LLC are acknowledged, investigated, and actioned. BM TRADA VENTURES LLC shall use best endeavors to keep the complainant/informant informed of progress in evaluating the complaint/concern and shall communicate to the complainant/informant giving formal notice of the end of the complaint/concern handling process. The final communication will include a summary of the investigation, conclusion and any actions taken as a result.

Please provide a clear description of your Complaint/Appeal, objective evidence to support each element or aspect of the Complaint/Appeal and the name and contact information of the person submitting the Complaint/Appeal.

Please submit all complaints in writing to: me-enquiries@bmtradaventures.com

All complaints/concerns shall be submitted in written to BM TRADA VENTURES LLC.

Disputes and Appeals policy

All disputes and appeals received by BM TRADA VENTURES LLC are fully investigated.

Please submit all disputes and appeals in writing to BM TRADA VENTURES LLC as per above mentioned contacts.

Please click here for the process of Appeals and Complaints

Please click here for the process of Appeals and Complaints - COC(Eng)

Please click here for the process of Appeals and Complaints - COC(Arabic)

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